During a Thai massage you work contrary to a Swedish massage not only on the muscles. The philosophy behind Thai massage focuses on energy points and lines in the body called Sen. During a Thai massage the therapist stretches the client while simultaneously applying pressure on the Sen points and lines. The use of these Sen points and lines can also be found in some forms of Western physical therapy like manual therapy and myofascial techniques.

This form of massage is effective in dissolving muscle tension, and this effect can be noticed even the day after. By stretching the client in many different yoga postures, a Thai massage has the same beneficial effect on the body as a yoga session. It promotes blood circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system and it stimulates digestion. The removal of toxins from the body due to the improved circulation and by stimulating the nervous system your immune system gets stronger. And a Thai massage is off course a great way to reduce stress due to its relaxing effect.
When you are interested in receiving a Thai massage have a look on the page 'contact / donations' for making an appointment.